WNC Citizens Blog

Former State Senator Has Questions Regarding Ethics Bill

I have previously blogged on this subject before, and a letter has come to my attention from a reliable source regarding the machinations in the North Carolina General Assembly, former Senator (and current candidate challenging District 49 Senator Martin Nesbitt) RL Clark.

He responded to an article written in the Asheville Citizen-Times by Jordan Schrader, and has kindly allowed me permission to reprint it. I have taken the liberty to emphasize text in the letter, and made minor formatting changes and added hyperlinks where appropriate, and I have removed his address and telephone number from the correspondence:

Mr. Schrader:

Wish I could have sent this earlier today but I operate a business I had to attend to today. I have major concerns with the State Auditor being restricted by the N C Democrat controlled State Senate. The State Senate has been controlled (ruled) by one party (Democrat) for 0ne hundred fifteen years! I have read and re-read your front page article in today’s edition of the A C T several times.

I am troubled and perplexed but not surprised that the General Assembly Democrat power structure assisted by several Republican legislators would take such action to apparently protect one of it’s own (Senator Nesbitt).

Didn’t the auditor’s report say that they were simply trying to find out if the Ethics commission had all of these facts when they were contacted by the Senator about his need to disclose his son’s racing ream on his economic interest form? Especially when the Senator responded when asked if he had told them all the facts he replied, ‘I DON’T recall if I told them those facts.” Really?

From my vantage point of having spent a career in the executive branch of N C State government serving in the administrations of six Governors and two terms as a N C State Senator and during that Executive Branch career I had close personal relationships with two former Speakers of the N C House of Representatives, I have insights into corruption that are in my opinion somewhat unique. Why doesn’t a good investigative news reporter or perhaps a Federal Prosecutor look into the N C Democrat County KEY system used for political screenings for State employment?

In the 1980’s several private road contracting officials were sentenced to FEDERAL not State prison.

The Honorable Garland Garrett, former Secretary D O T, personal advisor to two Governor’s, sentenced to FEDERAL not State prison. [WRAL] [Video-Poker News]

The Honorable Frank Balance, former N C State Senator, and former U S Congressman sentenced to FEDERAL not state prison. [Wikipedia] [WTV D] [RaleighN&O]

State Judge the Honorable Frank Balance, Jr., Son of Honorable Frank Balance sentenced to FEDERAL not State Prison. [see Frank Ballance, above]

Former N C House Speaker Jim Black, sentenced to FEDERAL not State prison.
[Raleigh N&O] [Wikipedia Article] [Carolina Journal]

Former Representative Michael Decker, republican sentenced to FEDERAL not State Prison. [Wikipedia] [Darwin Political Awards]

Former Department Secretary in a Republican administration, former lobbyist Don Beason, resigned under an ethical cloud. [Raleigh N&O] [The Meck Deck] [BlueNC]

There are many other examples. By a large percentage the majority are Democrats not Republicans!

My points in this email are concerns shared by substantial numbers of Citizens in WNC!

Not only do I agree with Auditor Merritt that limiting his authority is not necessary but in my opinion is a move by the Democrat power structure to keep in place

A corrupted Legislative Body. Perhaps I could be called to testify before a Federal Grand Jury.

R L Clark

Candidate N C State Senate District 49

N C State Senator

1995, 1996, 1997, 1998

Asheville, N C 28804



I don't expect anything to be done because people are too apathetic or are not aware of the corruption that has gone on in North Carolina politics for generations. Perhaps things would change if people were to call their State Representatives and State Senators and let them know how they feel about this issue.

You can find yours by visiting the General Assembly website.


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More on Corruption in North Carolina Politics

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