WNC Citizens Blog

North Carolina Conservative Disavows Nesbitt Indictment

In regards to the stories here, and here, the North Carolina Conservative has posted the following:

Important message, please read

An article has appeared on blogs and been forwarded through email lists, claiming that Sen. Martin Nesbitt is under federal investigation. The article is being attributed to The North Carolina Conservative. However, no article has been written or published by our publication regarding this matter.

Although we have heard similar rumors, the NCC does not know if anything in the email concerning Sen. Martin Nesbitt is valid. We are trying to find out the facts, so we can either confirm or debunk the email, but it is the policy of the Justice Department to neither confirm nor deny any investigation into anyone. At this time, and unless facts prove otherwise, the NCC accuses Sen. Nesbitt of no wrong-doing.

Source: North Carolina Conservative


Someone sure wanted to see (and got) a lot of buzz surrounding State Senator Martin Nesbitt and the North Carolina Conservative, to what ends, I can only speculate.

I think that if there is corruption involved, it will be a long hunt, as it was with
Jim Black. That very case was the reason I started this blog, to get a feel for how things were going in North Carolina politics since the days of Jim Hunt, when I last knew what was going on...

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