WNC Citizens Blog

Does Asheville City Council Want to Track Your Vehicle?

This delightful read in from the Wild West:

On Asheville City Council’s agenda, under “New Business,” is the state’s 21st Century Transportation Committee Report. There is no verb attached, so I have no clue what council is expected to do with it.

Of particular interest in this pdf file of what looks like an eighth-generation Xerox copy, made all the more difficult to understand by bizarre syntax throughout; is a conversation about VMT (Vehicle Miles Traveled) devices. These Orwellian transponders let government know where, when, and how you are driving.

Asheville City Council current agenda.
North Carolina 21st Century Transportation Committee Report. [pdf file]

Doesn't surprise me one bit. With these devices, you would be taxed to death, and the control freaks could adjust the tax rates on different roads, and then watch us change habits (without the trouble of installing cameras everywhere) like so many ants in an ant farm...that is except for the people who could afford higher taxes. These "super-empowered ants" would then be able to travel on the expensive roads, much like the Communist Party apparatchiks...with no peons in their way. Also, I wonder if they would be willing to push for these devices to be placed on the holy bicycles that travel Asheville?

I am working on getting a correspondent to make regular reports from the Asheville City Council meetings, so stay tuned...this could get interesting.

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This used to be one of several political commentary blogs I ran until I got tired of updating several blogs, and consolidated them on Thunder Pig, and moved the group blogs to a Ning network.

These photos are a reflection of where I am throughout the day, and a celebration of life west of the Balsam mountain range in western North Carolina.


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