We do not live in a democracy. Nor should we.
Why is our constitutional republic preferable to a democracy?
A democracy is where a majority dictates to the minority whether its rights will be protected or violated.
A constitutional republic is based on the concept of the sovereign individual. We individuals are the source of political power and we loan our power to representatives and we delegate our right to self-defense to the judiciary and the military.
Besides democracy, other forms of government can violate individual rights:
The very foundation of socialism is the violation of rights; particularly property rights. Statism, monarchy, feudalism all rest on an arbitrary power relationship that places the individual at the mercy of a ruler. Democracy is no better because a democratic form of government offers no guarantee that an individual's rights will be protected.
The proper form of government for a free people is constructed to absolutely protect individual rights regardless of the shifting moods of the masses. That protection is not guaranteed by any other form of government than a constitutional republic.
Little Things
10 months ago
Saturday, September 02, 2006 11:42:00 AM
We've seen what happens when we elect someone who does not follow the will of the people. We get war. We get children left behind. We get no living wage.
We get people who want to kill us.
We did not get attacked until a christian became president.
In november, we the people will take back the house of representatives, we the people will impeach the bushitler and halicheneyburton, and president Pelosi will bring our boys back home, and we will live in peace.
Saturday, September 02, 2006 8:44:00 PM
Saturday, September 09, 2006 5:03:00 PM
The will of the people is mob rule; surely you do not suggest we go back to that?
Do you think it is ok to attack a country simply because the leader is Christian? Do you not realize how ignorant you sound when you do not know your history of American Presidents and their faith? Google it for cripes sake!
Muslims hate anyone who is NOT Muslim and it didn't just start with the attack on the WTC and Pentagon. Do you have to be spoon fed point by point?...
Nov. 4 1979-Hostages taken at the U.S. Embassy in Tehran. They spent 444 days in captivity
April 18, 1983-Bombing of U.S. Embassy in Beirut
October 23, 1983-Bombing of Marine barracks in Beirut
December 12, 1983-Bombing of the U.S. Embassy in Kuwait
MARCH 16, 1984-CIA Station Chief William Buckley kidnapped-Buckley was the fourth person to be kidnapped by militant Islamic extremists in Lebanon. The first American hostage, American University of Beirut President David Dodge, had been kidnapped in
July 1982. Eventually, 30 Westerners would be kidnapped during the 10-year-long Lebanese hostage-taking crisis (1982-1992).
Americans who were kidnapped included journalist Terry Anderson, American University of Beirut librarian Peter Kilburn, and Benjamin Weir, a Presbyterian minister. While some of the prisoners lived through captivity -- Anderson spent the longest time as a hostage, 2,454 days -- some, including Buckley, died in captivity or were killed by their kidnappers.
September 20,1984-Bombing of U.S. Embassy annex northeast of Beirut
December 3,1984-Hijacking of Kuwait Airways Flight 221
June 14, 1985-Hijacking of TWA Flight 847-When these demands weren't met, hostage Robert Dean Stethem, a U.S. Navy diver, was shot and his body dumped on the airport tarmac.
October 1985-Hijacking of cruise ship Achille Lauro;When the demands weren't met, they killed Leon Klinghoffer, a 69-year-old disabled American tourist.
January 1986- Bombing of Rome, Vienna airports
April 5 1986- Bombing of La Belle Discotheque
December 21.1988-Bombing of Pan Am Flight 103
And this was only in the 80's!!!!
(I used the most liberal source I could find, PBS, knowing you'd balk at anything remotely conservative.)
In my opinion you could care less about "our boys". It is an all volunteer Armed force. That means they signed up for it VOLUNTARILY!
Please go get deprogrammed, you've been in the cult far to long!
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Friday, April 27, 2007 2:26:00 PM
There is really no point in arguing with simpletons who babble garbage of this kind:
At Saturday, September 02, 2006 11:42:00 AM, Anonymous said...
We've seen what happens when we elect someone who does not follow the will of the people. We get war. We get children left behind. We get no living wage.
We get people who want to kill us.
We did not get attacked until a christian became president.
In november, we the people will take back the house of representatives, we the people will impeach the bushitler and halicheneyburton, and president Pelosi will bring our boys back home, and we will live in peace.
Yeah, right, you moron.
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