Following is Don Yelton's report of the Weaverville meeting as e-mailed to me.
The meeting went well. About 25 people came in support of the resolution. The attorney for the town had talked with the Institute of Government and felt that NC did not permit such condemnation. We informed the town council that this had happened in NC such as with the Greensboro incident with Federal Express. The town worked with the airport to get the land needed for Federal Express to build a building.
They were not informed and were concerned about the fact that the resolution could only be overturned by a vote of the affected people. The town attorney said "he did not think there was a mechanism to allow citizens to vote on something like this". This is a red flag to all who believe that we have a democratic republican form of government.
THEY don't have a mechanism for us to vote. COME ON---this better be taken to heart by all Democrats, Republicans, Liberals, and Conservatives.
But, Weaverville did instruct their attorney to have information by the next meeting and they would discuss it then.
Remember: Contact those folks in Weaverville with your concerns. The mayor said she did not like the ruling.
Well folks, we've heard what happened from Don. Now get out and beat the weeds for people to come to the next meeting, and tell them to look on this site for the resolution, and communicate with each other.
P.S. Use this link in e-mail to get the resolution:
Little Things
7 months ago
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