WNC Citizens Blog

Morning Photos:
A Weird Fly, Fuzzy Goldfinches and a copper colored Spider

I went out this morning to stalk some Goldfinches that had been eluding me, and didn't quite get close enough to take a good photo of them, but did get some photos of a weird fly that had a translucent abdomen (first two photos), a copper-colored spider on a fence rail, and my American Goldfinches were very wary of me, so I was only able to get these two shots at extreme range (for my Kodak Z710, anyway) before calling it an expedition and heading back.

I plan on trying for some bees this afternoon...

Fly with a translucent abdomen

The Copper Spider

A male American Goldfinch

A female American Goldfinch

I had the flash on, and had to play with the brightness and contrast to get the last photo to come out close to right...


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2010 Macon County Fair
Sept 15-29, 2010
Macon County Fairgrounds in Franklin, NC



This used to be one of several political commentary blogs I ran until I got tired of updating several blogs, and consolidated them on Thunder Pig, and moved the group blogs to a Ning network.

These photos are a reflection of where I am throughout the day, and a celebration of life west of the Balsam mountain range in western North Carolina.


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