WNC Citizens Blog

Newt Gingrich Delivers Smackdown on MSNBC in Defense of Sarah Palin

I just love Newt Gingrich!!!!

In this video...you can see how the liberal reporter is biased against Governor Sarah Palin in how he asks his question. After Newt delivers the smackdown, he wisely refuses to defend his hero, Barack Obama.

In what has become one of the most fortunate turn arounds in recent political history, the political gaming of the Republican New Hampshire primary by Democrats and Independents has, in the end, given the conservative base of the Republican Party someone we can cheer for...Sarah Palin.

Shoot, the girl has even softened my heart toward John McCain.

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Sept 15-29, 2010
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This used to be one of several political commentary blogs I ran until I got tired of updating several blogs, and consolidated them on Thunder Pig, and moved the group blogs to a Ning network.

These photos are a reflection of where I am throughout the day, and a celebration of life west of the Balsam mountain range in western North Carolina.


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