WNC Citizens Blog

Ron Paul Speaks in Boone, NC

And Blue Ridge Blog was there to get a photo or two.

I wonder if anyone recorded the audio, or made a video of the appearance as Ron Paul took time out from visiting his family in the area to speak to local supporters.

Even though I dislike his anti-American stance on the war, I would have gone to video the event if it didn't cost $150 to drive to Boone and back to Franklin.

**update** 3.09 PM

The Watauga Democrat
has a report on the event, and their count of attendance has it slightly over a hundred people.

Ok so there was a reporter at the event. Good. However, I counted the crowd myself and if was between 250-300. Not a big deal, but certainly not accurate. There were at least two video cameras at the rally.

I'll take your word over the Legacy Media anyday of the week. I just like to get it on the record when the newspaper and TV Reporters tell lies.

I hope some of the video makes it's way onto the internet, I'd like to hear what Congressman Paul said.

One thing I do when I attend events, is to try to take several photos of the crowd so I can double check the crowd counts.

Reporters are hard to spot unless they are wearing their credentials around their necks...what with people like us carrying cameras, tripods and voice recorders around with us.

Well, his foreign policy is not "anti-american" as you say. It is accurately described as "non-interventionist", kinda like the prime directive from Star Trek, if you are familiar with that.


And nobody followed that, did they?
Especially Captain Kirk.

Remember that the ideology behind the whole Star Trek Ideology is fascism.

The supreme achievement of Star Trek is the complete doing away with the Free Market from humanity, and the government as the Supreme Arbiter in all things.

A libertarian or Ron Paul fan should hate the ideology in Star Trek. Especially since capitalism is mocked by the Ferengi, Harry Mudd, and other characters.

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Sept 15-29, 2010
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This used to be one of several political commentary blogs I ran until I got tired of updating several blogs, and consolidated them on Thunder Pig, and moved the group blogs to a Ning network.

These photos are a reflection of where I am throughout the day, and a celebration of life west of the Balsam mountain range in western North Carolina.


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