I will be broadcasting a live videostream from Haywood Community College on April 26th, probably from noon to 2 or 3pm, including the debate between John Armor, Spence Campbell, and Carl Mumpower. So, if you cannot attend, I'll have the stream up here and on Thunder Pig for you to watch. I may also be interviewing candidates for office as well.
**update** 4.46pm The debate has been pushed to around 2pm...so I'll start the show around noon, and I'll be there for the duration, and will have a debate wrap-up, perhaps with the participants.
**update** April 24th, 9.34am I've been advised that the internet connection for Saturday is not 100% reliable, so I may have revert to my normal M.O. That is disappointing.
Little Things
10 months ago
Monday, April 21, 2008 3:45:00 PM
I am working on getting the information about this event to the media thruout WNC, do you have any direct contacts or information on this?
Monday, April 21, 2008 4:08:00 PM
R: You wanna co-host part of the show with me?
Here is the info:
The Republican Party's 11th District Annual Convention will be held at Haywood Community College on Saturday, April 26, 2008. Registration will begin at 11:00 a.m. The Convention will begin promptly at Noon. There will be opportunities for candidates to speak. The business of the Convention is to elect three (3) delegates and three (3) alternates to the Republican National Convention and one (1) representative as our Presidential Elector. The Debate between all candidates filed for the 11th Congressional Seat will begin at approximately 2:00 p.m. As there will be no food served, please plan to eat before the convention or after the debate.
Monday, April 21, 2008 4:11:00 PM
The district website.
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