WNC Citizens Blog

Conservative Groups Counter-Protest "Code Pink" in Smithfield

Smithfield NC -- A large protest, and a larger counter-protest caused local police to be out in full-force today here. Yet, no violence occured. Harsh words were lobbied to and fro but in the end, the event ended just as it began, passion-filled and peacefully.

Katy's Conservative Corner has a number of interviews, both with the Code Pink and Victims of Torture protestors, along with counter-protestors from a Gathering of Eagles and Rolling Thunder. Up to 40 different groups were represented.

Eric M. Weaver, Sr. and your blogger covered all the action. Watch the interviews here, and look for more reporting and photos soon.

Source Article: Katy's Conservative Corner

Cross posted from Thunder Pig.

I was at the protest--the counter protesters was outnumbered at least 10 to 1!!! Y'all are too funny. By the way, I bet your flags were all made in China. Who's supporting the commies now???

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