WNC Citizens Blog

Flawed Reasoning

NC Policy Watch Daily Radio Commentary
Odd Plea From Republican Official
By Chris Fitzsimon
Tuesday, September 5th, 2006

(In response to George Keller's guest commentary in the AC-T.)

Response to Radio Commentary:

It's obvious to me that Chris Fitzsimon is a Democrat, and I'll tell you why.

In the guest commentary, George Keller takes a tough and principled stand on runaway spending in North Carolina.

In the radio commentary by Fitzsimon he says that "the only conclusion to draw" from Keller's commentary is that he is calling for voting out 25 Republican members of the General Assembly because they voted for a reckless state budget.

He is implying that Keller is conflicted and is mistakenly condemning those of his own party.

There's just one problem with this analysis: Fitzsimon's commentary is based on the faulty premise that corruption should be overlooked if it so happens that the corrupt belong to your own political party.

He is implying that George Keller naturally should be mum about problems in his own party.

What Fitzimon conveniently ignores is that Keller simply states a sound political principle that he believes in regardless of who that might paint as the villain.

Apparently what Mr. Fitzsimon would do is overlook corruption and misdeeds in his own party whereas Keller would not.

He goes on to state that Keller somehow inadvertently endorsed a Democrat because that Democrat did vote against the budget.

He concludes by stating that "This is what you get when demagoguery overpowers the facts."

The sad fact is that this radio commentary is what you get when simple-minded, partisan tribalism overpowers principle.

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