WNC Citizens Blog

Hospitals Have Skinny Closets

I placed a 20 ounce soda bottle on the shelf so you could judge for yourself whether or not the closet is skinny. Nearly all photos for today will be hospital related because I sat up with my grandmother at the hospital last night...and I could be getting punchy toward the end of the day...


Upcoming Events

2010 Macon County Fair
Sept 15-29, 2010
Macon County Fairgrounds in Franklin, NC



This used to be one of several political commentary blogs I ran until I got tired of updating several blogs, and consolidated them on Thunder Pig, and moved the group blogs to a Ning network.

These photos are a reflection of where I am throughout the day, and a celebration of life west of the Balsam mountain range in western North Carolina.


badges and other shiny stuff

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