Many of us champion the slogan children first,' and this bill tends to put action where we've had really just slogans. Children of special needs really, sincerely need our help. - Rep. Marvin Lucas

June 12,2008
NC GENERAL ASSEMBLY NEWS -- On June 10, during a press conference at the State Legislative Building, sponsors ofHouse Bill 388 "Tax Credits for Children with Special Needs," felt compelled to move forward with the proposed legislation. Both State House and Senate members perceived a recent special needs education poll taken in North Carolina as a sign of support by the people for the bill's passage. The poll, conducted by Public Policy Polling and commissioned by Parents for Educational Freedom in North Carolina, indicates 82 percent of parents with school-aged children are in support of scholarships for special needs children. House Bill 388 if passed will allow parents of children with special needs to claim a tax credit for sending their children to a public or nonpublic school where tuition is charged.
House Bill 388 Sponsors who attended the press conference:
- Senator Malcolm Graham (Dem)
- Senator Edward Goodall (Rep)
- House Minority Leader Paul Stam (Rep) Primary
- Representative Marvin Lucas (Dem) Primary
Representative Laura Wiley (Rep) Primary
House Representative Marvin Lucas said, "Many of us champion the slogan children first,' and this bill tends to put action where we've had really just slogans. Children of special needs really, sincerely need our help."

Estimates by Fiscal Research show a tax credit would cost the state about $3 million, but save the counties approximately $6 million each year. It is estimated that approximately 3,000 eligible students would be provided with alternative education.
Senator Malcolm Graham said, "In the 21st
Century, I think we all agree with the adage that one size does not fit all. Certainly that has to be true when it comes to the education of some of our neediest children."
According to the poll, 80 percent of North Carolinians polled (regardless of race, gender and party line) are in favor of a bill allowing tuition tax credits for parents of special needs children to attend a nonpublic school of their choice.
President of Parents for Educational Freedom in North Carolina, Darrell Allison said, "Now we know where North Carolinians stand on the idea of providing educational tax credits for parents of special needs children they overwhelmingly support it. We are encouraged not only by the public support but also by the bipartisan legislative effort underway as a response. Who could disagree with providing more options for families whose children face some of the greatest educational challenges?"

Leslie Petruk, the mother of a special needs child, recounted her story of the difficulties she faces to get her child appropriate education. Petruk said "Our child is already at a great disadvantage due to his disability and the learning challenges that come along with it. We know our child better than any educator or professional and should have the option to place him in a setting that we know would provide academic and social environment where he will be able to meet his full potential."
The Special Needs Education poll taken by Parents for Educational Freedom in North Carolina (PEFNC), is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization, dedicated to finding ways to effectively better our educational system for all children in North Carolina. PEFNC supports all programs that provide parents and children with greater educational options. What is more, PEFNC builds awareness of the need for even more educational options in North Carolina. This includes the ability for families in North Carolina to educate their child privately through a tax credit or equal opportunity scholarship
programs. For more information, please visit
House Bill 388 "Tax Credits for Children with Special Needs," will soon be presented for its second reading. This magnanimous bill needs more NC citizens to show their support. Therefore, call your district's representative and acknowledge your support of this proposed legislation.
Published by:
Rob Cross
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