with current Amnesty Supporter
Senator Richard Burr's office
Thursday, June 28th
8:00-10:00 am
All legal citizens of North Carolina Welcome
Be there to encourage our Senator do the right thing
Help make Richard Burr's unscheduled conference call on June 28th a success
If a sufficient number of citizens show up at Senator Burr's Winston-Salem office on Thursday from 8:00-10:00, it is likely that his staff will be able to locate him in Washington such that he can afford those he was elected to represent a few minutes in his busy schedule.
There is a conference room in Senator Burr's local office.
It has a speaker phone.
Richard Burr knows how to use it.
Contact the Senator:
Senator Richard Burr
2000 West First Street, Suite 508
Winston-Salem, NC 27104
Phone 800-685-8916 or 336-631-5125
Fax 336-725-4493
This will not be a march or street protest by lawbreakers.
This will simply be a spontaneous gathering of citizens asking for representation from their public servants.
Bring your cameras and cell phones not your signs and pitchforks. Senator Burr has one last chance to avoid facing the tar and feather crowd.
Only a handful of those who come out to Senator's Burr's office will be allowed inside to participate in any conference call. The rest will be able to know though that they helped make it happen.
Hat Tip: WCR Correspondent KR
Questions: Call Jim Capo at 336-253-1936
Little Things
9 months ago
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