This morning about 35 North Carolinians showed up in person at Senator Richard Burr’s Winston Salem office, along with Bert Gutierrez of the Winston-Salem Journal. Reporters from WXII T.V., WSJS radio, and Que Pasa magazine also attended. The polite but unhappy group was demanding the opportunity to confront the senator in a conference call. In the words of former Congressional candidate, Vernon Robinson, “They were unhappy with Burr’s previous vote to yet again open up the debate on the immigration bill. And, they recognized that a vote for cloture was a vote for amnesty.â€
Another former Congressional candidate, Nathan Tabor, was there. The group included many long time Republican activists who worked to get Burr elected. Marsha Fruehan of the Iredell County Republican Women’s Club was there. So too were Joyce Krawiec of Freedom Works, Rita Harker a GOP Forsyth county vice-chair; and Joan Fleming the NC GOP Republican Party Secretary.
According to Jim Capo of Greensboro, while the group contained a smattering of people from across the state, by and large, the group was composed mostly of hardcore Republican activists, many of whom had worked to get Burr elected, and who were very disappointed with the Senator’s recent signs of weakness on the illegal immigration issue.
Attendees came to the 8:00-10:00 am event in response to an email request posted by Jim Capo with the organization, North Carolinians to Stop the North American Union.
These youtube clips of the meeting should be online soon:
Note** More to be added later...
Little Things
9 months ago
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